Time does get away from a person rather quickly, if I do say so myself. This past week has been rather hectic. Monday was a normal day, so that was good. Tuesday brought a phone call from Phil asking if I would be willing to do some data entry work at the plumbing shop for him. If it was anyone else, I think I would have said no, but being it's Phil, and he and his family are so nice, how can you turn him down? So, I spent Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday and Friday entering inventory numbers for him. I'll probably be back on Monday doing the same thing. It's rather mind numbing, and the problem I have is that I sometimes transpose numbers while going from the sheet to the computer, but I usually get it all figured out. Kirstin gets to stay with me, so that's a good thing. She just gets a little dirty from playing on the floor. It IS a shop, so there's plenty of dust and dirt around no matter how much you clean up. We stay up front, in the office/showroom area. Kirstin likes the toilets and likes to explain how they work. Then she takes her nap in her pack and play, and as soon as people see the sleeping baby, they immediately quiet down. I like small town shops!
Other than that, I have written down rocks, poop, and banana. I know that sounds interesting, but it's all Kirstin. Last Thursday I was getting us ready to go into town for our usual church work day. That's all fine, and I was putting some stuff into the car before getting Kirstin into her seat. There's no problem there, as she was playing and talking. She was jabbering at me when I put her into her seat. I have no idea what she was saying, but it was funny to her. All of a sudden, as I'm doing the final check/tightening of the belts deal, she opened up her mouth and stuck out her tongue and out rolled a rock! She didn't gag or anything, so I don't believe she swallowed it, but it stayed in her mouth while she was talking! I told her it was aucky, and now she gets watched much more closely while we're outside.
As far as the word poop goes, the same day, Thursday, I got her home and put her in her crib for a nap. Lately, she won't poop until she's in her crib. I think she's just going to much to really relax enough. Anyway, she was making a ruckus, so I went up to check on her. The smell hit me right when I walked in the doorway. Yup, she pooped. Okay, no big deal, I just had to change her diaper. As I walked to her crib to get her out to do just that, I asked her if she pooped, and her response? "Yeah! Poop!" Great, she's learned a new word. Luckily it's not like the way she says shirt. She'll bring me shirts, and try to say the word. We'll get it in the end, I know.
And then the banana time. I recently got out all of her warmer clothes, and I chose a time in which she was eating her lunch, part of which was a banana. Well, I was only upstairs for a few minutes while I got out the clothes and put them away. I came back downstairs, and she had banana absolutely CAKED in her hair and smeared up and down her arms and on her face. I figured the easiest way to clean her up was going to be to give her a shower. She loves showers and likes to play with the water coming out of the faucet. Well, as I was getting her ready for her shower, I noticed she had a dirty diaper. That wasn't a big deal, I just had to get her somewhat cleaned up before getting her into the shower. This left her without a diaper while I was running the water to get it to the right temperature. She likes to stick her hands in the water as it's running, and the warm water had an effect on her.
Yup, you guessed it, she peed all over the bathroom rugs. First she lifted one leg up as the urine was streaming down it, and then put that leg down and lifted the other when it switched direction. I quickly got her into the tub, but not before the rugs were well saturated. The joys of being a mom never end, I tell you.
Of course I can't be angry with her for any of those things, as they are just things that happen. Besides, she's too cute most of the time anyway. She now likes to play bucket head and she gives out hugs almost indiscriminately. Baby hugs make up for any kind of mishaps or mischief that come about. Unfortunately, Kirstin knows that too...
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About Me

- ezaske
- I live in a rural farming community, on a very small parcel of land (by farming standards)between a field and a public wetland/hunting area. I have an absolutely wonderful husband (Matt) and two beautiful daughters (Kirstin and Emily).

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