Et Voila!

on Monday, May 24, 2010
So my house is a huge mess, I'm tired beyond belief today, and I had a few minutes of time to myself.  So what did I do?  Did I pick up the house, do laundry, or even sleep?  Nope. I worked on my blog.  I found a template that I really liked and implemented it and also came up with a name.  I'm still working on some of the peripherals, but I think I like the way it's shaping up. 

The name of my blog is now "Taking Stock."  It comes from two sources. One is an old joke in Matt's family, originally from his Uncle Dave, I believe.  Uncle Dave has three girls.  When asked what he was going to do with so many women around the house, he quipped, "Well, I think I'm going to take stock in Tampax!" 

Now Matt has two of his own girls, and he's used the same phrase.  As part of this blog will be about the girls, the name is appropriate.  But not only that, this blog is also going to be about where life is at right now, and where I may go/what I may do in the future.  Much like a store owner taking stock of items to know what to order.  You have to know what you have so you can keep going, plan, etc.

I love to tell the story...
Yesterday was Sunday School closing.  The kids got up and sang "I Love to Tell the Story."  They walked in while the congregation sang the first verse, and then they sang the refrain, and the congregation sang the second verse and the kids sang the refrain again.  It was so nice to have them up there singing.  We have very few in our Sunday School, so sometimes it takes extra planning to pull off something as simple as having the kids sing in church.  We've had to cancel before due to lack of children on the day they were supposed to sing. 

 This picture is from the 2009 VBS at our church.  It was called "Gone Fishing."
And yes, the children do love to tell the story.  Teach a Sunday School class or a Vacation Bible School class, and you'll learn this.  They get all excited (well, the lower grades) and want to tell you all about what they just learned.  Unfortunately, adults love to tell stories too. 

Gossip has been getting on my nerves lately.  Most of it is petty stuff, and it really doesn't matter in the long run.  Why do people feel the need to talk about other people in negative ways?  I mention something like, "Oh well, I just talked to so and so,  and he's doing really well!"  Nine times out of ten I get a response like, "Well, you know he did x, y and z, and if you throw in w too, you know he's just heading for another downfall." 
Thank you for telling me that you little bluebird of happiness...Here is my shingle, you know what to do. 
My object in realizing this is to distance myself from the gossip and negativity.  If so and so is really trying to make a difference, shouldn't people realize that too?  It's just something to ponder about. 

Well, it sounds like my time is up.  I have Emily starting to fuss as she wakes up from her nap, and I expect Kirstin to be up soon too.  In the mean time, keep on!


Mary Aalgaard said...

Your blog is super cute. It will be a great creative outlet for you as you log about your life with growing girls, living in the country, finding your voice in the world. It's all part of the journey. Write on!