I think I heard the phrase, "We seem to only see each other at weddings and funerals!" about half a dozen times this weekend. And sadly, that's the truth. We celebrated Mark and Abby's wedding on Saturday. What a day! What a weekend! As I type this, I'm still exhausted. I'll eventually put up pictures of the girls in their "fancy" dresses. Kirstin was the flower girl, and stole the show on a few occasions before and after the wedding. Not during the wedding though, thankfully. She looked like a little doll in her dress and with her hair done. She got her first hair cut on Friday as a partial preparation for Saturday. She only had about 3/4 of an inch taken off all around and then Brian found her bangs for us, too. She watched me get my hair done(Good bye pony tail! Hello wash and wear short hair!), and then it was her turn. She was kind of nervous. But look at Brian...Isn't he the type of guy with whom you would normally trust your three year old? But she warmed up quickly and actually had fun with Brian after a few minutes. Her hair looked wonderful when he was done.
That was the first time we've seen Brian (a good friend of Matt's from high school) in probably close to two years. That's sad. We have yet to meet his wife and twin girls. And of course there was the promise of, "We'll get together sometime soon!" I think we've said that every time we've talked and it still hasn't happened.
The same could be said of a lot of family and friends we saw over the weekend. It's really sad when some of those people only live about a half an hour away. It just seems that our schedules never mesh well. I think it's time to put aside some of the "busy-ness" and go see family a little more often. Some of the family members we saw are really starting to seem old now...It's time to make our visits before it's too late.
I will say though, I'm very thankful for my folks right now. If they hadn't been there to help me with the girls, I don't know how I would have made it through Saturday. Matt was in the wedding, as was Kirstin. Emily is only 5 weeks old. I couldn't have continued getting Kirstin ready and cared for if I didn't have someone I could constantly rely on to help with Emily. Matt was busy, as was Grandma Ma. And that's what I expected. But all the running around I had to do with Kirstin would have been impossible if I constantly had to care for Emily too. By the way...A three year old in a puffy flower girl's dress is really difficult to put on the potty...And then have her NOT go.
So the weekend in a nutshell: Friday whirled around with us all getting packed up and into the car. I forgot how much stuff we need when traveling with a baby. Luckily we got it all fit in. Went to Alexandria, got tuxes and food. Went to St. Cloud, did a tiny bit of shopping, got our hair done. Went to Abby's folks' place for supper before rehearsal. Did the rehearsal and then went to the hotel and then got the girls ready for bed and Matt went out with the bridal party.
Saturday was busy with breakfast, shopping at Wal-Mart to get stuff to wrap the gifts, back to the hotel to get everything for the day. Then it was to the church, get Kirstin into her dress, and then it was pictures, wedding (in which I walked Kirstin down the aisle to make sure she made it) and off to the reception and dance. After a million trips to the car to bring stuff out of or into the Legion, eating, and dancing, the girls and I went back to the hotel and collapsed.
Then Sunday was a little less busy. We did breakfast, and then went back to the hotel, got packed up, and went to Abby's folks' place for the gift opening. After that we left and did some shopping in Alexandria on the way home (and got Kirstin a booster seat instead of a car seat! She's growing so fast!) and then got home, unpacked the car, ate supper, and collapsed here.
Now it's just getting all the laundry done and getting everything unpacked. Whew...Glad we don't have to do it all again, as fun as it was.
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About Me

- ezaske
- I live in a rural farming community, on a very small parcel of land (by farming standards)between a field and a public wetland/hunting area. I have an absolutely wonderful husband (Matt) and two beautiful daughters (Kirstin and Emily).

I love your descriptions, especially of you trying to help your daughter on the potty, poofy dress distress and all!
Mary: Thanks! She was a "princess" after all and evidently I was her servant.
Minda: Isn't that so "Brian?"
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