Finally, able to take some time to write a little bit.
Actually, I’m sitting at my desk with a cup of coffee and a muffin. I was going to read some of my online stuff and then realized that I have no more to read online.
And yet, there are dishes to be done, laundry to be folded, floors to vacuum, and all that good stuff to do today and motivation is just not there for right now.
So, I write.
I have been quite busy. I got an idea into my brain and I just can’t let it go. I want to make a quilt for Kirstin for her 5th birthday in March.
But I don’t quilt.
So I talked to Matt’s aunt Jo about it. She can piece together quilts, but does only squares.
Hmm… again…
Hey! I know! I can personalize it by embroidering a bunch of blocks with pictures and words that remind me of Kirstin.
And now I sit with embroidery in my hands while Emily is napping and after the girls go to bed. I have all kind of pictures to embroider onto blocks of fabric.
Only other problem: It’s been years since I last did anything like this. I knew I needed help of some kind. So I searched the web for any kind of tutorials I could find and came across Mary Corbet’s Needle NThread blog.
How cool is that! She even put up video tutorials of the different stitches, includes patterns, reviews embroidery books, and offers advice to anyone who asks. I have learned much from this website.
Now, this creative endeavor is going pretty well. I made use of the local fabric shop for thread, needles, and fabric. I even bought a little embroidery hoop from there, but it didn’t work well. I got better ones from my Mom in law. I’m all set, I just have to go with Jo to get the rest of the fabric, embroider all the pieces that need it, and get them to Jo. It should be a fun project. And I get to repeat it in a few years when Emily gets to be the same age.
Otherwise I’ve just been knocking titles off my reading list. I’ve read items by Henrik Ibsen, H.G. Wells, and am in the process of reading Cervantes’ Don Quixote.
The reading list is something I’m never going to finish. As I put X’s by the title’s I’ve read, I add new titles to it. I just love books! With my reading list, I also get a sense of accomplishment as I finish a book and can put an X by the title. Some of the books I like more than others. Some I may read again, and others, well, not so much...But I'm getting a taste of all different kinds of literature. It's wonderful!
Oh, you're doing so great. Love the quilt idea. I've done a tiny bit of embroidery. It looks like fun. Enjoy!
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