I have an odd thing to be writing about, especially in this forum.
I’m nervous about people seeing my writing.
In order to make a little more money on my own terms, and not HAVE to sub (I still will, just less), Matt suggested I take on a freelance writing job with the University. I’m excited about the prospect, and I emailed the head of University Relations about it. I received an enthusiastic answer, and now I’m required to send three writing samples and my resume.
My resume gives me no problems. I just have to update it and send it. The writing samples are something else entirely. The problem is I have very few samples of my writing out there. I have blog posts, of which I will use one. I also have newsletter articles from the church. And some fiction.
Oddly enough, my fiction is what makes me nervous. I’m not ready for people to see it. It’s still very raw. It’s too personal. And yet a blog post isn’t. So, instead of the fiction, I’m going to send in a sample of my writing for my teaching licensure. I have to clean it up a bit, but it’s workable. I hope these samples will be okay.
I’m also finding that sharing my writing is very scary. I mean, it’s one thing for members of the church to read an article I wrote. That’s the intended audience. It’s another thing for it to be read by someone who is critiquing it for style, content, etc. Will I measure up as a writer?
So many doubts with this new venture. But I’m going through with it because I need the change. Change is always a bit uncomfortable. Besides, how cool will it be to say to someone who asks, “Oh, I’m a freelance writer.”
That is just too fun for me to not take the chance and jump in to it.
Now off to find a good blog post to send!
Of course, your writing measures up. Of course, you're nervous. You said it best. Change is uncomfortable. That's why "they" call it "stretching out of your comfort zone." You could also write somethiing fresh that has to do with education or what you've been reading or current events.
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