Why write?

on Tuesday, November 08, 2011
So, in the wake of pretty well freaking out over quitting the one job, I finally get news about a different job.  Basically I'm doing an interview by email.  Then they'll send me stuff to write.  But the questions are some that I really have to think about:

Tell about your interests when it comes to writing.
What do you see as your strong skills in writing?
What do you enjoy most about writing?

I've never really thought about my writing in that form.  Now I am and I'm coming up with nothing.  Could it be writer's block already?


Mary Aalgaard said...

It's fear. Let it go. You're a terrific writer. I knew from the moment I read your first sentence. Take a walk. Ponder the questions. Then, write from your heart, that's where your strength lies.