
on Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In an effort to somewhat procrastinate my real writing assignment for the time being, I will write another blog post. 
I know I shouldn’t put off the article I have to write, but it’s still forming in my head.  I’ll have a rough outline in about an hour, probably, and then I’ll write the thing and hand it over to Matt for editing.  Another issue I’m having is trying to write while both kids are up and mobile.  Emily is in a mischief phase, and Kirstin is just a normal young lady that talks too much.  They take up quite a bit of my time.  This is as it should be, but sometimes I feel like I can’t accomplish anything with those two around.  I love them, and love them dearly, but they can be a handful.

Anyway, now that I’m done with the secretarial position at church, I feel so much better!  I never knew how much that was keeping me down.  As my Minda puts it, “You’ve come out of the shadows and into the light again, babe!”  And yes, that is a good way to explain it. 

And the light keeps getting brighter and brighter.  I’ve done one article for the University, and I’m in the process of working on another one.  And low and behold!  I’ve got more work coming as well.  I just got asked to do some editing for Profile, a magazine the University puts out.  I actually love to edit other people’s work, so I of course took it.  I feel wonderful knowing that I can help out, and that people will actually read what I wrote.  And I must be writing okay, because I get thanks for what I do.  Even that’s a change from the previous work.  Thank you is a wonderful thing! 
But, I’m having issues giving up the work at the church.  There is no secretary.  Which is fine, a lot of WELS churches have no secretary.  However, I look at what’s been done to things I instituted and worked on for a very long time…And it bugs me.  The formatting is crap in both the bulletins and on the hymn PowerPoint.  It’s all over the place, and not consistent at all.  I prided myself in keeping things consistent and looking good.  Now it doesn’t.  

There are also the questions I’m getting from congregation members that I’ll have to answer eventually.  The “What’s really going on?” question is asked on all sides it seems.  I’m not ready to say much right now.  I want to find out what Pastor is going to do with us.  The Elders told him to leave our family alone and let us come back in our own time.  Which we have, but I don’t know what that means as of yet.  I don’t know if Pastor is going to feel we need to have a meeting or not.  I hope not, but that’s just running from the problems that are still there.  Nothing was accomplished by not going to church aside from giving us a break to think about what was truly going on. 

But I’m keeping positive! Because the members are asking questions, more of Pastor’s behavior is being brought to light.  I’ve come to the conclusion that he IS the shadow.  And I’m moving away from it.  Not the church itself, but the shadow.  This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!


Mary Aalgaard said...

I'm having a goosebump moment. That's exactly how I felt when I left my church. In fact, I played "This little light of mine" as my farewell song. Keep moving away from the shadows and into the light. You are the light, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
(Sorry it took me so long to read this.)